斤 an axe

Component 斤 axe

斤 jīn, a pictographic character of an axe, serves as a semantic component to form characters. Characters formed by the semantic component 斤 have to do with axe-alike tools or something related to the use of such tools, e.g. 斥, 斧, 斩, 断, 斯, 斫, 新, etc.

斤 is mostly located on the right of the characters. You can verify this from the characters it formed below.

See also the component , which is a pictographic character of a dagger-axe.

Characters formed by the semantic component 斤

笔划 汉字 拼音 笔划 汉字 拼音
4 jin,jīn 5 chì
8 8 zhǎn
8 qiāng 8 yín
9 zhuó 9
11 duàn 11 zhǎn
12 12 zhuó
12 zhuó 13 xīn
14 zhuó 15 qín
16 lín 17 chù
17 zhuó 18 duàn
25 zhú