10 highly used slang words

10 highly ued slang words

These 10 slang expressions are very frequently used in daily life. How many of them do you know? Just check them out now!

你们继续玩,我先撤了。You guys keep playing, I’ll leave first

2.废话,nonsense/superfluous words
废话,我们都知道!Nonsense, we all know it

3.绝了,too good/bad
这表演真是绝了!This performance is superb

4.放鸽子 stand someone up
昨晚我被朋友放鸽子了 I was stood up last night by my friend.

5.没门 no way
我能借用你的自行车吗?没门,我昨天才买的。 Can I borrow your bike? No way, I just bought it yesterday.

6.雷人 shocking/startling
你的话也太雷人了吧。Your words are too shocking.

7.接地气 down to earth
我的新同事很接地气,我们聊得很投机。My new collegue is very down to earth. We had a great conversation.

8.活该 serves sb right. someone deserves it
活该,谁叫你不听我的话。It serves you right. You should have listened to me.

9.好烂 it sucks
这部新电影怎么样?好烂!How is this new movie? It sucks!

10.算了 forget it
You want me to come with you? forget it.
