戈 dagger-axe or halberd

Component 戈 dagger-axe, halberd

戈,  a pictographic character of a dagger-axe or halberd, serves as semantic component to form characters. 戈 mainly appears in ideographs e.g. 戊 戌 我 成 戍 或 伐 戕 戎 戒 戡 截 etc or phono-semantic compounds of left-right structure, e.g. 战, 戡, etc to express things related to weapons, war or killing. 

Don’t miss out this component too: 

Characters formed by the semantic component 戈

笔划 汉字 拼音 笔划 汉字 拼音
4 5 jiān
5 5 yuè
6 chéng 6 hū,huī,xì
6 qu,xū 6 róng
6 shù 7 jiè
7 7
8 huò 8 qiàng,qiāng
8 qiāng 8 jiān
9 zhàn 10 dòng
11 jiá 11
11 zéi 11 dié
12 12
12 jiá 12 zhí
13 děng 13 gài
13 kān 13 kuí
13 zhàn 14 jiǎn
14 jié 14 jiǎn
14 qiāng 14
14 15
15 15 yǎn
16 zhàn 16
17 dài 17
18 chuō 22