Suffix 得起 and its formula
In English, we can use “afford to do something” to express that one has enough money to pay for something. In Chinese, the suffix 得起 has the equivalent use.
In English, we can use “afford to do something” to express that one has enough money to pay for something. In Chinese, the suffix 得起 has the equivalent use.
The prefix 好 is really valuable as it can change some verbs into adjectives. Learn it now!
If you are a 汉语迷, then you can’t miss out on the study of the suffix 迷.
The suffix 品 can change nouns, verbs, adjectives or phrases into nouns to express meanings of related articles or products, or abstract things.
In Chinese, there are words that can combine with other words to modify their meanings or create new words. We call these words affixes. Don’t hesitate to build vocabulary with affixes because they really help to learn vocabulary rapidly.