Prefix 难 and its formula
The prefix 难 is unforgettable and useful! It can transform a verb into an adjective. Isn’t it easy to learn Chinese this way?
The prefix 难 is unforgettable and useful! It can transform a verb into an adjective. Isn’t it easy to learn Chinese this way?
In this post we will study a very powerful suffix 子, which is indispensible for learning Chinese vocabulary.
As it is mentioned previously, 打 is one of the most important characters in Chinese. We have shared one formula of 打, and in this post we will share another.
打 is mainly used as a verb, with meanings of “hit”, “strike”, “play”, “fetch”, etc. Although it can be used alone as a verb, it is commonly used in this formula.
As you see the two words in the title “来” and “去”, in this post we will learn a very interesting formula combined with “来” and “去”, verb来verb去.