乏 is the reversed writing of 正, and the original meaning of 乏 is: not straight, skewed. 乏 serves as a phonetic component to form characters. Continue reading “乏 not straight”
正 a foot walking towards a destination
正, an indicative character, originally meant: a foot is walking towards a destination. 正 is composed of 一, an indicative sign; and 止, a foot. 正 mainly serves as a phonetic component to form characters. Continue reading “正 a foot walking towards a destination”
氵 water
氵, derived from 水, serves as semantic component to form characters. 氵 is an extremely important component because it can form more than one thousand characters. Characters formed by the component 氵 have to do with water such as 江河流海洋澡沐浴泪. Continue reading “氵 water”
亭 a pavilion
亭, a pictographic character of a pavilion, serves as a phonetic component to form characters. Most of the characters formed by the phonetic component 亭 are in the left-right structure with 亭 on the right side. Continue reading “亭 a pavilion”
爪 hand XIII
爪, a variant of 手✋, serves as a semantic component to form characters. Characters formed by the semantic component 爪 have to do with hand or actions of hand. Continue reading “爪 hand XIII”