车 a chariot

车 chariot

车 chē, a pictographic character of an ancient chariot, serves as a semantic component to form characters. Characters formed by the semantic component 车 have to do with vehicles such as 轮, 转, 轨, 较, 轩, 辕, 轴, 辆, 辗, 辙, etc.

Characters formed by the semantic component 车

Totally there are 54 characters formed by the semantic component 车. Most of the character formed by 车 are in the left-right structure.

笔划 汉字 拼音 笔划 汉字 拼音
4 chē,jū 5 gá,yà,zhá
6 guǐ 7 dài
7 rèn 7 xuān
8 ě 8 hōng
8 lún 8 ruǎn
8 zhuái,zhuàn,zhuǎn 9
9 9
9 9 lu
9 qīng 9 yáo
9 9 zhěn
9 zhǐ 9 zhóu,zhòu
10 轿 jiào 10 jiào
10 10 quán
10 shì 10 zài,zǎi
10 zhì 10 zhōu
10 huī,hún 11
11 liàng 11 zhé
12 bèi 12 chuò
12 gǔn 12 huī
12 niǎn 12 wǎng
12 12 liáng
13 còu 13
13 ji,jí 13 pèi
13 shū 13 wēn
13 hún 14 niǎn,zhǎn
14 xiá 14 yuán
15 16 lín
16 zhé