“Not…at all” in Chinese

Not...at all in Chinese

Sometimes we need to make a complete negation. For this, we have “根本…不/没”. 根本 + negative words such as 不, 没, etc = not…at all

根本 + negative words such as 不/没 = not…at all

尽管我们是朋友,他表现得好像根本不认识我。Even though we were friends, he acted like he didn’t know me at all.

人家怎么看她,她根本不在乎。She doesn’t care at all what men think of her.

In monochrome maps, of course, colour variation cannot be employed at all.

The windows are so small as not to admit much light at all.

这可是他根本没料想到的一大让步。This was an amount of compliance which he had not at all expected.

他考试及格实在是侥幸, 因为他根本没下过功夫。Passing the exam was a real fluke because he didn’t work for it at all.

You’ve brought your pigs to the wrong market this time. There’s no demand at all for cotton fabrics.

吉米采用篡改帐目的方法,去年一年根本没交任何公司税。By cooking his books Jim didn’t pay any corporation tax at all last year.

See the meaning of “根本”