耳, pictographic character of ear, serves as semantic component to express things related to ear, hearing, or sound, and also as phonetic component. Continue reading “Component ear 耳”
Category: Pictograms
朋 ancient monetary unit
朋, a pictographic character of two strings of shellfish, ancient monetary units, serves as a phonetic component to form characters. Continue reading “朋 ancient monetary unit”
主 the flame of a lamp
主, a pictographic character of the flame of a lamp, serves as a phonetic component to form characters. Continue reading “主 the flame of a lamp”
网 a net
网, a pictographic character of a net, serves as a semantic component to form characters. When it serves as a component, 网 is written as 罒. Continue reading “网 a net”
手 hand I
手, a pictographic character of hand, has eleven variants. 手 serves as a semantic component to form characters. Most of the characters formed by the semantic component 手 have the up-down structure such as 拳, 拿, 掌,挚, 掣, 挚, etc. Continue reading “手 hand I”