网 a net

网 a net

网, a pictographic character of a net, serves as a semantic component to form characters. When it serves as a component, 网 is written as 罒. 

The characters formed by the semantic component 网 express things related to the net, the function of a net, or extended meanings such as net of law, criminals, etc, e.g. 罚, 罢, 罗, 署, 罩, 罪, 置, and so forth.

Check out also the component , which is very similar to 罒 in writing but totally different in meanings.

See also the component 毕, which have to do with “net”.

Characters formed by the semantic component 网

笔划 汉字 拼音 笔划 汉字 拼音
5 wǎng 8 luó
8 9
9 10 bà,bɑ
10 gāng 10
10 10
10 máo 10 mín
10 zhǔ 11 guà
12 12 juàn
12 13 shǔ
13 yǎn 13
13 zhào 13 zhì
13 zuì 13 guǎi
13 shēn 13 zhuó
14 lǎn 14
14 14
14 ǎn 15 liǔ
15 15
15 15
16 16 wèi
16 cháo 17
17 17 zēng
17 罿 chōng 18 juàn
18 19 luó
19 19 zhào
22 24
24 luán