100 characters frequently mispronounced I

100 chracters easily mispronounced

As in any other languages there are words easily mispronounced by people, in Chinese the same exists. In the post, we will list the first part of the 100 characters frequently mispronounced.

You can check our YouTube video for the right pronunciation of each character

1、投奔(bēn X      bèn )go to (a friend or a place) for shelter

2、下载(zǎi X         zài )download

3、渲染(xuān X        xuàn  )apply colours to a drawing; play up;exaggerate

4、炽热(zhì X           chì  ) red-hot; blazing; scorching hot; glow; passionate

5、压轴(zhóu X     zhòu)last and best item on a theatrical program

6、洁癖(pì X               )unhealthy obsession with cleanliness; mysophobia

7、秘鲁(mì X              )Peru

8、熬菜(áo X            āo )cook dishes with more soup, cook slowly, a name of dish in the dialect of Handan, Xingtai, Heibei.

9、蹊跷(qiāo X         qiao )odd; queer; fishy; strange

10  惩罚(chěng X       chéng )punish; penalize; punishment

11、逮捕(dǎiX             dài )arrest; take into custody

12掂量diànX           diān)weigh in the hand; think over

13友谊X               )friendship; amity; friendliness

14、打烊(yángX           yàng )close the store for the night

15哈达X              ) a piece of silk used as a greeting gift among the Zang and Mongol nationalities

16参与X              )partake; participate in; have a hand in

17中肯zhōngX        zhòng)apropos; pertinent; to the point; relevant

18、铜臭(chòu X         xiù)the stink of money; profits-before-everything mentality; profit-seeking spirit

19、刽子手(kuàiX       guì)executioner; headsman; butcher

20、豁出去(huòX       huō)go ahead regardless; be ready to risk everything

21翘首qiàoX         qiáo)raise one’s head and look

22拘泥X             )be a stickler for (form, etc.); rigidly adhere to (formalities, etc.)

23亲戚X             qi )relative; kinsman; kinswoman; kinsfolk

24昵称X             )nickname

25泯灭mínX          mǐn)die out; disappear; vanish

26纤夫qiānX         qiàn)boat tracker

27创伤chuàngX        chuāng )wound; trauma; scar

28奇葩X            )miracle; wonderful flower, freak; weird, odd

29宁可níngX        nìng)would rather; better; preferably

30呕心ōu X          ǒu)exert one’s utmost effort

31、埋怨(máiX          mán )complain; blame; grumble; murmur at

32龟裂guī X          jūn)be full of cracks; chap;  map crack cracked; check

33通缉X                )order the arrest of a criminal at large; list as wanted:

34倔强juèX            jué)stubborn; unbending; unyielding; obstinate

35框架kuāngX       kuàng)frame; framing; shell frame; skeleton frame; case; framework

36联袂juéX            mèi )go, come, or do something together

37揩油kǎiX           kāi)get petty advantages at the expense of other people or the state; find pickings; make some outside gains

38华山huáX           huà)Mount Hua (in Shaanxi Province)

39嫉妒 X              )be jealous of; envy; envious;

40讣告X             )announce sb.’s death; obituary; necrology; announce sb.s death

41、强迫(qiángX        qiǎng)enforce; force; compel; impel

42字帖(tiēX             tiè)copybook (for calligraphy); model of calligraphy for practice

43徇私(xúnX           xùn)practise favoritism

44吞噬(shíX            shì)swallow; gobble up; engulf; devour

45挑剔(X               ti )nitpick; be hypercritical; be fastidious

46连累(lèiX             lei)implicate; incriminate; involve; get sb. into trouble

47汤匙(shiX            chí)soup spoon; table spoon

48笨拙( zhuóX        zhuō)clumsy; awkward; stupid; slow-witted

49道行( hángX        heng )state reached in practising Buddhism or Taoism; skill; ability

50亲家( qīnX     qìng )parents of one’s daughter-in-law or son-in-law

Just stay tuned for the second part of the 100 characters frequently mispronounced, and it will be coming soon!

Do you know these 100 names of traditional Chinese culture?