黑 soot in a container over a fire

Component 黑 soot in a container over a fire

黑, a compound character of soot in a container over a fire, mainly serves as a semantic component to form characters. Characters formed by the semantic component 黑 mean meanings related to “black” or “dirty” such as 墨, 黔, 點, 黛, 黝, 黜, etc. 黑 also can serve as a phonetic component.

You might not want to miss out the component 灬 

While 黑 mainly serves as a semantic component, it can also serve as a phonetic component to form characters.

Characters formed by the phonetic component 黑

嘿 潶 hēi

Characters formed by the semantic component 黑

笔划 汉字 拼音 笔划 汉字 拼音
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