皮 a hand stripping the fur from an animal pelt

Component hand stripping the fur from an animal pelt 皮

皮, originally a hand stripping the fur from an animal pelt, can serve as both phonetic and semantic component to form characters. 皮 is compound ideograph.

See also the component

In modern Chinese 皮 means:

5.cover; surface
6.to become soggy instead of crispy
7.[Informal] naughty

皮 serves as a phonetic component to form characters

Characters formed by the phonetic component 皮

波 玻  菠  bō
披 旇 铍 pī
簸 跛  bǒ
彼 佊 bǐ
怶 诐 髲  bì
婆 嘙 pó
坡 颇 岥 pō
疲 帔 破 被 陂 pí pèi pò bèi bēi

皮 also serves as a semantic component to express meanings related to skin, leather, hide, etc.

Characters formed by the component 皮

笔划 汉字 拼音 笔划 汉字 拼音
5 8 gǎn
10 zhòu 10 pào
11 jūn 12 cūn
12 qiú 13 què
14 14 jūn
14 jūn 14 zhā
15 zhòu 16 zhā
11 17
18 zhāo 20