皿 utensil for meals

皿 utensil for meals

皿, a pictographic character representing a utensil or vessel for meals, serves as a semantic component to form characters. The characters formed by the semantic component 皿 express meanings related to utensil, vessel, container, box, etc such as 盆, 盘, 盅, 盂, 盛, 盏, 盒, 盖 and so on.

Characters formed by the semantic component 皿

盆盘盅盂盛盏盒盖 pén pén zhōng yú shèng zhǎn hé gài

笔划 汉字 拼音 笔划 汉字 拼音
5 mǐn 7
7 yíng 8
9 pén 9 yíng
9 zhōng 9
9 bēi 9 diào
10 àng 10
10 10 jiàn,jiān
10 yán 10
10 zhǎn 10 wǎn
10 11 chéng,shèng
11 dào 11 gài,gě
11 11 kuī
11 pán 11 fàn
11 12 dào
12 12 qiú
13 13 méng
13 zhǎn 14 jiàn
14 jìn 14
14 15 pán
16 guàn 16
16 ān 17 guǐ
17 17 zhōu
17 dàng 18 ān
18 18