Component 歹 residual bone of a person

歹, a pictographic character of residual bone of a person, serves as semantic component to form characters. Characters formed by the semantic component express meanings related to death, funeral or damage such as 歼, 殁, 殃, 残, 殉, 死, 殡, etc. Continue reading “Component 歹 residual bone of a person”

Component 大 a man stretching out four limbs

大, a pictographic character of a man stretching out four limbs, serves as semantic component to form characters. Characters formed by the semantic component 大 express meanings related to person, something big or extended meanings such as 太, 夫, 天, 央, 奇. Continue reading “Component 大 a man stretching out four limbs”

Component 女 a woman on her knees

女, a pictographic character of a woman on her knees, serves as a semantic component to form characters. Characters formed by the semantic component 女 express meanings related to women, names, beauty, or bad temper, such as 她, 妈, 姨, 姑, 姓, 娜, 奶, 妆, 妃, etc. Continue reading “Component 女 a woman on her knees”

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