Component fish 鱼

鱼, fish, serves as semantic or phonetic component to form characters. Because fish 鱼 is an important food source, there are a fair number of characters formed by the semantic component fish 鱼. Totally there are about 300 characters with the semantic component fish 鱼.  Continue reading “Component fish 鱼”

Component 鬼 demon

鬼, pictographic component of a demon, with a large frightening head, serves as semantic component to form characters. Characters formed the semantic component 鬼 expresses meanings related to ghosts, worship, temples or superstitious activities such as 魂魄魅魔魑魅魍魉魇. 鬼 also serves as phonetic component.  Continue reading “Component 鬼 demon”

Component 子 a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes

子, a pictographic character of a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes, serves as semantic component to express meanings related to children or extended meanings such as 孔, 孝, 字, 季, 孩, 孤, 孪, 学, 孙, 存, etc. Continue reading “Component 子 a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes”

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