京, a pictographic character of a capital-like building, serves as a phonetic component to form characters. Mostly, the phonetic component capital 京 is on the right part of a character. Continue reading “京 capital”
Tag: phonetic
Component chimney 囱
囱, a compound ideographic character of chimney, serves as phonetic component to form characters. Most of the characters formed by the phonetic component have the same pronunciation cōng. Continue reading “Component chimney 囱”
Component 向 a North facing window
向, a pictographic character of a North facing window, serves as semantic component to form characters. The characters formed by the phonetic component 向 share vowels iang and ang. Continue reading “Component 向 a North facing window”
Component granary 仓
仓, a pictographic character of granary, serves as phonetic component to form characters. Characters formed by the phonetic component granary 仓 share the same vowels as ang, iang, and uang. Continue reading “Component granary 仓”
Component 亚 a building with four sides
There are different versions as to the origin of 亚, among which is the version that 亚 is a building with four sides. 亚 serves as phonetic component to form characters. Continue reading “Component 亚 a building with four sides”