Chinese compounds formed by two antonyms

Combine two antonyms like 来 come, 往 go; 买 buy, 卖 sell; 东 east, 西 west; 安 safety, 危 danger; etc. can form a new word, but the meaning of the compound is not always the literal combination of the two antonyms. There are several cases as to the relation between the meaning of the compound and the two antonyms. Continue reading “Chinese compounds formed by two antonyms”

Same characters in different order BA≠AB but BA is for the use of AB

In the Chinese language, there are some very special words composed of two characters, and If the order of the characters is reversed, the meaning of the new word BA is just for the use of the word AB.  Continue reading “Same characters in different order BA≠AB but BA is for the use of AB”

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