
Most people do not have the patience to wait a few seconds for the elevator doors to shut, so they push the ‘close’ button to speed up the process. 大多数人没有等待电梯自动关闭的耐心(虽然这个过程只有几秒钟),所以他们按“关门”键来加快关门速度。 Continue reading “被骗好多年:电梯关门按键根本没用!”


Shakespeare didn’t come up with most of the famous phrases in his plays but was credited with them because of a fault with the Oxford English dictionary, a leading scholar claims.

一位著名的学者称,莎士比亚在他的作品中并没有发明那些著名的短语,但是由于牛津词典的错误,很多人相信这些短语是莎士比亚发明的。 Continue reading “牛津词典有bug!这些短语不是莎士比亚发明的”

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