In Chinese, there are diverse terms to express “die”. Here are all the synonyms of die in Chinese.
You must be feeling dazzled, seeing so many words for death. Don’t worry! A native chinese don’t even know many of these words, not to say all of them. Which are the commonest terms for death? “死” and ”去世” are the commonest for “death”. “死” is informal and kind of impolite if you say it directly to someone who suffered from the death of a family member, relative, or friend. “去世” is the safest way to express “death”, which is a formal and polite form. Most of the rest in the list are just used in literature or very formal occasions.
不禄、不讳、不可讳、跨鹤西游、千秋之后、百年之合、三长两短、山高水低、见背、弃养、 牺牲、舍身、献身、就义、捐躯、捐生、殉职、殉国、殉难、殉节、殉、效死、效命、授命、阵亡、成仁、杀身成仁、舍生取义、以身许国、马革裹尸、肝脑(胆)涂地、横死、强死、凶死、丧命、送命、毙命、暴卒、倒头、死于非命 、饿死、殣、升天、涅盘、坐化、羽化、鹤化、物化、圆寂、归寂、示寂、入寂、入灭、灭度、示灭、尸解 、崩、驾崩、山陵崩、晏驾、升遐、登遐、宾天、大行、千秋万岁、夭折、夭亡、短折、早世、早逝、早死、中殇、殇、兰摧玉折、玉楼赴召、玉楼修记、地下修文 、葬玉埋香、玉殒香消、香消玉殒、客死、瘐死