Suffix 迷 and its formula

Suffix 迷 and its formula

If you are a 汉语迷, then you can’t miss out on the study of the suffix 迷.

Formula of the suffix 迷

A subject + suffix 迷 ➩ fan/enthusiast of this subject

篮球 basket + 迷 = 篮球迷 basketball fan

I like playing basketball very much. I am a basketball fan.
我非常喜欢打篮球,我是一个篮球迷。wǒ fēi cháng xǐ huan dǎ lán qiú , wǒ shì yī gè lán qiú mí 。

音乐 music + 迷 = 音乐迷 music fan 

My sister is pop music fan, and yet she didn’t actually recognized the song that I hummed just now. 妹妹是流行音乐迷,可是她居然没有听出我刚才哼的歌曲。wǒ mèi mèi shì liú xíng yīn yuè mí , kě shì tā jū rán méi yǒu tīng chū wǒ gāng cái hēng de gē qǔ 。

书法迷 书法迷

Every weekend, many calligraphy fans to there to practice calligraphy. Měi gè zhōumò dōu yǒu hěnduō shūfǎ mí qù nàlǐ liànxí shūfǎ.

足球 soccer + 迷 = 足球迷 soccer fan

My friend and I are soccer fans.
我和我朋友都是足球迷。wǒ hé wǒ péng yǒu dōu shì zú qiú mí 。

汉语 Chinese 迷 = 汉语迷 fan of Chinese

My foreign friends are all fans of Chinese. 我的外国朋友都是汉语迷。Wǒ de wàiguó péngyǒu dōu shì hànyǔ mí.

小说 novel + 迷 = 小说迷 novel fan

The novel fan is always daydreaming and sometimes under the delusion that he Becomes Napoleon.这个小说迷总是白日做梦,有时会产生错觉,自以为变成了拿破仑。zhè ge xiǎo shuō mí zǒng shì bái rì zuò mèng , yǒu shí huì chǎn shēng cuò jué , zì yǐ wéi biàn chéng le ná pò lún 。

影 film + 迷 = 影迷 film fan

Margaret has profited from her own popularity among her film fans.
玛格丽特因深受影迷欢迎而获利。mǎ gé lì tè yīn shēn shòu yǐng mí huān yíng ér huò lì 。

电视 TV + 迷 = 电视迷 TV fan

He was a captive watching TV, so he was called TV fan.
他是个对电视着迷的人,所以人称电视迷。tā shì gè duì diàn shì zháo mí de rén , suǒ yǐ rén chēng diàn shì mí 。

电脑 computer + 迷 = 电脑迷 computer fan

Xiaoqiang’s wife is a computer fan.
小强的妻子是电脑迷。xiǎo qiáng de qī zi shì diàn nǎo mí 。

游戏 game + 迷 = 游戏迷 game fan

Yeah, he’s really a big fan of computer games.
是哦,他是个十足的电脑游戏迷。Shì ó, tā shì gè shí zú de diàn nǎo yóu xì mí.

棋 chess + 迷 = 棋迷 chess fan

As time goes on, I have become a chess fan.
光阴荏苒,我已经称为棋迷。guāng yīn rěn rǎn , wǒ yǐ jīng chēng wéi qí mí 。

Can you think of more examples for the suffix 迷?