Suffix 子 and its formula

suffix 子

In this post we will study a very powerful suffix 子, which is indispensible for learning Chinese vocabulary.

Why 子 is a very powerful suffix? Because it can convert verbs, nouns, ajdectives and measure words into nouns. Let’s see how it works:

1. A Verb + 子 = A Noun (Suffix 子 can convert a verb into a noun)

There are 3 cases:

1.1 A verb + 子 = A Noun (子 can convert a verb into a noun denoting the doer of the action of the verb)


骗(lie) + 子 = 骗子(liar);

探(scout) + 子 = 探子(scout);

贩(buy to resell) + 子 = 贩子(dealer);

拐(abduct and traffic) + 子 = 拐子(abductor);

化(beg alms) + 子 = 化子(beggar)

1.2 A verb + 子 = A noun (子 can convert a verb into a noun denoting the tool for the action of the verb)


剪(cut) + 子 = 剪子(scissor);

刷(brush) + 子 = 刷子(brush);

梳(bomb) + 子 = 梳子(bomb);

铲(shovel) + 子 = 铲子(shovel);

夹(clamp) + 子 = 夹子(clamp)

1.3 A verb + 子 = A noun (子 can convert a verb into a noun denoting the object of the action of the verb)


种(sow) + 子 = 种子(seed);

钉(nail) + 子 = 钉子(nail);

扣(button up) + 子 = 扣子(button);

担(carry on a shoulder pole) + 子 = 担子(a carrying pole and the loads on it/load);

扇(fan) + 子 = 扇子(fan)

2. A noun + 子 = A noun (Suffix 子 can convert a noun into a noun)

There are two cases:

2.1 A noun + 子 = A noun (子 can convert a noun into a noun having the same meaning as the first noun)


椅(chair) + 子 = 椅子(chair);

筷(chopsticks) + 子 = 筷子(chopsticks);

孩(child) + 子 = 孩子(child);

猴(monkey)+ 子 = 猴子(monkey);

刀(knife) + 子 = 刀子(knife)

2.2 A (noun) + 子 = A noun (子 can conver a noun into a noun having a different meaning from the first noun)


月(month)+ 子 = 月子(month of confinement after giving birth);

点(drop) + 子 = 点子(idea);

路(road) + 子 = 路子(approch);

窑(cave dwelling) + 子 = 窑子(brothel);

面(face) + 子 = 面子(reputation)

3. An adjective + 子 = A noun (Suffix 子 can convert an adjective into a noun)

There are two cases:

3.1 Adjective A + 子 = A noun (子 can convert an adjective into a noun of a person)


瘸(lame) + 子 = 瘸子(a lame person);

瞎(blind) + 子 = 瞎子(a blind person);

疯(crazy) + 子 = 疯子(lunatic);

傻(fool) + 子 = 傻子(fool);

胖(fat) + 子 = 胖子(fatty);

3.2 Adjective A + 子 = A noun (子 can convert an adjective into a noun of a thing)


空(empty) + 子 = 空子(gap/chance);

乱(be in a mess) + 子 = 乱子(disturbance);

乐(fun) + 子 = 乐子(fun);

辣(hot) + 子 = 辣子(hot pepper);

对(paired) + 子 = 对子(antithetical couplet)

4. A measure word + 子= A Noun (Suffix 子 can convert a measure word into a noun)

There are two cases:

4.1 Measure word A + 子 = A Noun (子 can convert a measure word into a noun related to the original meaning of the measure word)


片(measure word for things in pieces, etc.) + 子 = 片子(film, X-ray, etc.);

本(measure word for books) + 子 = 本子(book);

袋(measure word, bag) + 子 = 袋子(bag);

个(used for nouns without special measure word) + 子 = 个子(height);

位(measure word for people) + 子 = 位子(seat/place/position)

4.2 Measure word A + 子 = A measure word (子 can convert a measure word into a new measure word having equivalent, similar or related meaning to that of the first measure word)


辈(measure word for people) + 子 = 辈子(measure word for life);

口(measure word for perple) + 子 = 口子(measure word for people);

下(measure word for action) + 子 = 下子(measure for action);

门(measure word for relatives, marriage, skill, course, etc) + 子 = 门子(measure word for relatives or marriage)

Suffix 子 also appears in words of three characters

左撇子/右撇子 left-handed/right-handed; 夜猫子 owl/ a person who goes to bed late; 半吊子 dabbler; 二流子 loafer;老爷子 one’s father, an elderly man, “dad” (respectful address);二楞子rash fellow; 狗腿子 lackey; henchman, hired thug

Last but not least, when serves as a suffix, its original tone becomes neutral.

Don’t miss out on our video version for this content on Youtube where you can listen to the pronunciation for the above examples.