Parts of the eye

Parts of the eye

Do you want to learn the basic vocabulary for your beautiful eyes? Check out how to say the basic parts of the eye in Chinese. 

Parts of the eye 眼睛部位

Eye Yǎn jīng eyebrow méi máo eyelid yǎn pí eyelid yǎn jiǎn lens jīng zhuàng tǐ pupil tóng kǒng iris hóng mó eyelashes jié máo cornea jiǎo mó

眼 睛 yǎn jīng, eyes

眉 毛  méi máo,eyebrows

眼 皮 yǎn pí, eyelids

眼 睑 yǎn jiǎn, eyelids

晶 状 体  jīng zhuàng tǐ, crystalline lens

瞳 孔 tóng kǒng, pupil

虹 膜 hóng mó, iris

睫 毛 jié máo, eyelashes

角 膜 jiǎo mó, cornea

巩膜 gǒng mó, sclera