Homophones are a very interesting characteristic in Chinese language. Homophones are words with different meanings which are pronounced in the same way but are written differently. In this post, we will learn three homophones of 手. Continue reading “棋手vs旗手vs骑手”
Are you a 饭桶?
Homonyms are very common in modern Chinese. Confusion of homonyms could be a disturbing problem in a conversation, for example, if you use “饭桶” incorrectly, you could offend someone. Continue reading “Are you a 饭桶?”
Suffix 手
As we have mentioned before that the semantic component 手 is a highly important part in the formation of Chinese characters. For the formation of compound words, 手 also plays an important role, because it can serve as a suffix to form compound words in the following ways: Continue reading “Suffix 手”
All words with 诬 have negative meanings
This character 诬 seems to tell us that a witch’s mouth speaks no good words. Do you still believe in a witch or a wizard? Continue reading “All words with 诬 have negative meanings”
不 can convert two characters to a set phrase
不 is usually used as a negative adverb in a sentence. It also has another very important use that it can form set phrases in the form of 不_不_(ABAC). Continue reading “不 can convert two characters to a set phrase”