Meanwhile you are watching the Rio 2016 Olympics, don’t forget to learn the vocabulary. Check now the the list of Summer Olympic Sports. Continue reading “List of Summer Olympic Sports”
Olympics related words
奥 运 会 会 歌 Olympic anthem
奥 运 会 会 徽 Olympic emblem
奥 运 会 主 题 歌 Olympic theme song
奥 林 匹 克 精 神 the Olympic spirit Continue reading “Olympics related words”
Very often used adverbs of mood
I have more than one face
Chinese Homonyms
饭桶 饭桶 小人 小人
料理 料理 经济 经济
Suffix 度 and its formula
Sometimes we want to change certain adjectives into nouns out of necessity. We have learned affixes that have this function. In this post we are going to learn the suffix 度 that can change an adjective into a noun. Continue reading “Suffix 度 and its formula”