就 is a super important adverb in Chinese. It has multiple meanings, which are all very often used in both written and spoken Chinese. Continue reading “The use of 就”
Top five set phrases for sad
Being sad is one of our emotions. The degree of sadness can be different. These five set phrases have the strongest degree for sadness. Continue reading “Top five set phrases for sad”
中国传统文化源远流长,博大精深。十大名茶、四大名绣都有哪些?唐宋八大家、饮中八仙都是谁?四书、五经是哪几部?三山、五岳指的是哪里? Continue reading “55个中国文化常识,你了解多少?”
Parts of a tree
树冠 shù guān, crown
树叶 shù yè, leaves
细枝 xì zhī, twig
树枝 shù zhī,branch
树干 shù gàn, trunk
树根 roots
树皮 shù gēn, bark
Frequently used polite expressions in Chinese II
Chinese polite expressions
Chinese expressions in polite form