Public signs are everywhere in our life. It’s necessary for us to know the basic public signs in Chinese and English. Continue reading “100 public signs in Chinese and English”
So difficult to choose between two equally important things
手心手背都是肉, literally “both the palm and the back of the hand are made of flesh”, is used to mean that someone feels so difficult to choose between two things or persons that are equally important or valuable. Check out how to use it. Continue reading “So difficult to choose between two equally important things”
中国重名最多的姓名Top 30
有人说:“一个汉字就是一个故事。千百年来的风俗礼仪,社会结构、伦理道德、哲学思考、审美意识——中华民族的文化‘基因’,几乎都隐藏在一个个汉字对所要反映的事物的摩画、概括和美化之中。” Continue reading “一字一故事,走进汉字的奇妙世界”
How to differentiate between 多亏, 幸亏, 幸好 and 好在?
All these four words 多亏, 幸亏, 幸好 and 好在 can be used for a situation: due to some favorable conditions, bad results are avoided. How to differentiate between them? Continue reading “How to differentiate between 多亏, 幸亏, 幸好 and 好在?”