用文字随心所欲地组成各种各样、丰富多彩的漫画,这是中国汉字潜在的本领。下面这15张画便是由不同的汉字组合而成的,它们分别代表15个成语,看看你能猜出几个?哈哈,小编已经猜出好几个了~ Continue reading “超牛的看图猜成语!最后一题绝了,竟然无人能答对!”
The use of double negative in Chinese
Many times double negative is used in Chinese sentences to make an affirmative effect. Continue reading “The use of double negative in Chinese”
How to differentiate between 必须 and 必需?
必须 and 必需 have the same pronunciation, but they can not be used interchangeably. Here are the tips on how to differentiate between 必须 and 必需. Continue reading “How to differentiate between 必须 and 必需?”
许多人的二十几岁好像只有3年:一年在大学里无所事事,第二年在茫然中找工作,第三年做着不喜欢的工作,然后浑浑噩噩,就30岁了。年轻最怕的就是过没有思考的生活,连自己想要什么都说不清,日子只能是庸碌的重复。奔三前必读的人生感悟↓对照反思,为更好的自己,努力! Continue reading “30岁前必读的15句人生感悟”