古時,人們失戀時,是如何優雅地地描寫呢? Continue reading “当爱情走到尽头,古人是如何优雅地描写失恋的呢?”
氏,朴、过、繁、訾、令狐…话说,下面这些姓氏,你都读对了吗? Continue reading ““贠”字怎么读?这些姓氏读错好多年…”
Chinese meat vocabulary
Do you like meat? How many of the Chinese words about meat do you know? Check out the chinese meat vocabulary. Continue reading “Chinese meat vocabulary”
Formation of binding words in Chinese
A binding word 连绵词 in Chinese is a word composed of two characters, which are inseparable and always appear together except in special cases. Since a binding word is composed of two characters, it’s very necessary to know how a binding word if formed. There are several kinds of ways as to the formation of binding words. Continue reading “Formation of binding words in Chinese”
English names of Chinese cold dishes
Among the wide variety of Chinese food, cold dishes can’t be ignored. Here we share the list of English names of Chinese cold dishes. Continue reading “English names of Chinese cold dishes”