Frequently misused homophones in Chinese set phrases

Chinese set phrases are special fixed phrases, originally from ancient classics or books, historical stories or people’s verbal stories. The meaning of a set phrase is always implicit and not the simple sum of the literal meanings of the constituent components. Continue reading “Frequently misused homophones in Chinese set phrases”


那些年,体育老师总是在“生病”;你所在的班级总是全楼层最吵;提问时默默埋头,还是被老师点名……课堂上那些让你不耐烦的唠叨,如今却成了深切的感激和怀念。老师们的经典名句,你的老师最爱说哪句? Continue reading “那些年老师的经典名句,今天很想再听一次”


Shakespeare didn’t come up with most of the famous phrases in his plays but was credited with them because of a fault with the Oxford English dictionary, a leading scholar claims.

一位著名的学者称,莎士比亚在他的作品中并没有发明那些著名的短语,但是由于牛津词典的错误,很多人相信这些短语是莎士比亚发明的。 Continue reading “牛津词典有bug!这些短语不是莎士比亚发明的”

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