The basic and literal meaning of 出轨 chū guǐ is: be derailed; go off the rails; jump the rails. It has two figurative meanings: Continue reading “The use of 出轨”
Most people do not have the patience to wait a few seconds for the elevator doors to shut, so they push the ‘close’ button to speed up the process. 大多数人没有等待电梯自动关闭的耐心(虽然这个过程只有几秒钟),所以他们按“关门”键来加快关门速度。 Continue reading “被骗好多年:电梯关门按键根本没用!”
Different sounds of birds in Chinese
There are various words for the natural sounds of many things such as birds, insects, etc. These kinds of words are called onomatopoetic words. In this article, we learn different sounds of birds in Chinese. Continue reading “Different sounds of birds in Chinese”
The use of 来着 as an auxiliary word of tense
来着 is used as an auxiliary word of tense at the end of a sentence indicating a completed action. In this case, 着 is pronounced in the neutral tone zhe. Continue reading “The use of 来着 as an auxiliary word of tense”
悠悠文明,中华大地。每一寸河山,都饱含着文人骚客们的诗情画意。一川如画晚晴新,水面初平云脚低,晴川历历汉阳树,潇潇暮雨子规啼……你知道,这些诗句描写的是哪里的美景吗?其实,这些千古诗文写的可能就是你的家乡! Continue reading “句句经典!跟着古诗词游遍最美中国”