In Chinese, there are words that can combine with other words to modify their meanings or create new words. We call these words affixes. Don’t hesitate to build vocabulary with affixes because they really help to learn vocabulary rapidly. Continue reading “Build vocabulary with affixes”
Types of verbs in Chinese
A verb is a word that describes an action, experience, state, existence, or change of a person or thing. There are several different types of verbs in Chinese. Continue reading “Types of verbs in Chinese”
Character inclusiveness in Chinese compound words
Some two-morpheme (o two-character) compounds have a very interesting feature, character inclusiveness or morpheme inclusiveness. There are two types of character inclusiveness. Continue reading “Character inclusiveness in Chinese compound words”
List of Chinese character strokes
To write Chinese characters correctly, it’s necessary to know how to write all the character strokes in the right manner. Here are the list of Chinese character strokes with both Chinese names and English explanation. Continue reading “List of Chinese character strokes”