The list of the Christmas vocabulary. 圣诞节相关词汇表 Continue reading “Christmas vocabulary 圣诞节相关词汇”
Suffix 者 and its formula
你是汉语学习者,对吗?You are a Chinese learner, right? Check out how the suffix 者 works to form new words. Continue reading “Suffix 者 and its formula”
Build vocabulary with affixes
In Chinese, there are words that can combine with other words to modify their meanings or create new words. We call these words affixes. Don’t hesitate to build vocabulary with affixes because they really help to learn vocabulary rapidly. Continue reading “Build vocabulary with affixes”
Types of verbs in Chinese
A verb is a word that describes an action, experience, state, existence, or change of a person or thing. There are several different types of verbs in Chinese. Continue reading “Types of verbs in Chinese”