疒 nè, denotes disease and serves as a semantic component to form characters. The characters formed by the component 疒 express different diseases or disease-related concepts such as 病, 痛, 疲, 疯, 疤, etc. Continue reading “疒 disease”
米 rice
米, a pictographic character of rice, serves as a semantic component to express meanings related to rice, grain, food, etc, e.g. 类/類, 粒, 糟, 粕, 糕, 粳, 粉, 粮/糧 and so forth. 米 also serves as a phonetic component to form characters. Continue reading “米 rice”
豆 a food container
豆, originally a food container, serves as a semantic component to express meanings related to food container or bean. 豆 also serves as a phonetic component to form characters. Continue reading “豆 a food container”
Compmonent 酉 a jar for storing liquors
酉, a pictographic character of a jar or vase for storing liquors, mainly serves as a semantic component to form characters. The characters formed by the semantic component 酉 express meanings related to liquor, food or things produced by fermentation such as seasoning, condiments, relish, etc, e.g. 醋, 醇, 醉, 醛, 醒, 酌, 配, 酗 and so on.
Continue reading “Compmonent 酉 a jar for storing liquors”
黑 soot in a container over a fire
黑, a compound character of soot in a container over a fire, mainly serves as a semantic component to form characters. Characters formed by the semantic component 黑 mean meanings related to “black” or “dirty” such as 墨, 黔, 點, 黛, 黝, 黜, etc. 黑 also can serve as a phonetic component. Continue reading “黑 soot in a container over a fire”