This character 逐 is very interesting. 逐 is compound ideographic character composed of 辶 and 豕. 辶 is a variant of 辵 and means “foot, walking”. 豕 is a pig. Continue reading “逐 a foot is pursuing a pig”
于 airflow passing obstacles
于 is a pictographic character. In oracle bone, the character depicts the airflow passing obstacles. For its original meaning, there are also other different versions. 于 serves as a phonetic component to form characters. Continue reading “于 airflow passing obstacles”
Numbers in set phrases
Numbers are not only for numbers. In Chinese, the numbers appear in many set phrases to express various figurative meanings. Continue reading “Numbers in set phrases”
由 small pathway leading to the fields
The original meaning of 由 is a small pathway leading to the fields. 由serves as a phonetic component to form characters. Continue reading “由 small pathway leading to the fields”
汉字是世界上最古老的连续使用的书写文字 ,而且是最广泛使用的文字之一。汉字最初是按照客观事物的直观形象而创造的,例如水,山,火,人,树,天等。后来由于人类社会的发展需要,人们创造了更多的汉字来表达简单汉字不能表达的主观和抽象的事物,如思维,情绪,动作等。汉语经历了不同的发展阶段而演变成我们现在使用的现代汉语。 Continue reading “汉语特点”