List of adverbs of degree

List of adverbs of degree

Adverbs of degree refer to adverbs that tell us about degree or intensity. In Chinese, adverbs of degree can modify adjectives or mental verbs. Check out the list of adverbs of degree used in the Chinese language.

List of adverbs of degree in Chinese

很 very

He studies very hard. 他学习很刻苦。

最 most

China is the most populous country in the world. 中国是世界上人口最多的国家。

太 very much, extremely, so, too, excessively

This baby girl is so adorable. 这个小女婴太可爱了。

更/更加 still more, even more, still further

This one is even better than that one. 这个比那个更好。

极 extremely

He is extremely unsatisfied. 他极不满意。

挺 very, quite

This flower has quite a sweet smell.  这花挺香。

顶 very, most, exceedingly

This tool is very useful. 这个工具顶有用的。

极其 most, extremely, exceedingly

This work is exceptionally arduous. 这项工作极其艰巨。

非常 very, extremely, highly

This is very deep question. 非常严肃问题

特别 especially, particularly, specially

We’re in bad need of medical workers, especially surgeons.


Types of Chinese adverbs

十分 very; fully; utterly; extremely; completely

He struck me as very serious but friendly person. 感觉十分严肃友好

格外 especially; all the more; extraordinarily; exceptionally

You’ve got to be especially careful when you cycle on snow. 雪地上骑车要格外小心。

尤其 especially; particularly

like to swimespecially in the sea.  喜欢游泳尤其喜欢大海游泳

分外 particularly; especially

The sky was particularly clear after the rain.


相当 quite; fairly; considerably

It is quite a success. 相当成功。

越 the more…the more…

The more he talked the more confidence he gained. 他越讲越起劲。

越发 more; more and more; the more…the more…

He works even harder. 他工作越发努力了。

The weather is getting colder and colder. 天气越发地冷了。

The more nervous you are, the more likely you are to make mistakes. 越是紧张,就越发容易出错。

略 slightly

I have heard a little about it. 我对这件事略有所闻。

Adverbs of frequency

较 comparatively; relatively; fairly; quite; rather

The size of the conference was larger and there were more participants in it.  会议规模较大, 参加人数较多。

稍 a little; a bit; slightly

The coat is a bit too long.  这大衣稍长了一点。

稍稍 a little

Take a little rest. 稍稍休息一下。

稍微 a little; a bit; slightly

He is slightly deaf.  他稍微有点耳背。

略微 slightly; a little; somewhat; something of; anything of; a bit of

I know somewhat of the matter. 我略微知道此事。

有点儿 somewhat; a little

I was a little surprised when she consented. 我有点儿吃惊她竟然同意了。

还 fairly

The classroom is not big, but it is fairly bright. 教室不大,但还明亮。

还要 more, even more

Her future could be more glorious even than her past. 她的未来甚至可能会比过去还要辉煌。

多么 no matter how

I will come no matter how hard it rains. 不论下多么大的雨我都要来。

何等 how; what

We all realize how vital it is to develop education. 我们都意识到发展教育是何等的重要。

过于 too; unduly; excessively

You needn’t worry too much about me. 你们不必过于为我担心。

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