巫, a pictographic character, serves as a semantic as well as a phonetic component to form characters. Continue reading “Component 巫 tool used by a witch”
Category: Pictograms
Component body 身
身, a pictographic character of a body, can act as semantic component to form characters. Characters formed by the semantic component body 身 have to do with body or actions related to body. 身 can also serves as phonetic component to form some characters.
Continue reading “Component body 身”
老 an old person
老, a pictographic character of an old person, serves as both a phonetic and a semantic component to form characters. All the characters formed by the phonetic component 老 are pronounced lǎo except 峔. Continue reading “老 an old person”
Component 母 mother
母, a pictographic character of a mother with breasts exposed, serves as semantic as well as phonetic component to form characters. Continue reading “Component 母 mother”
Component 介 a man wearing armor
介, a pictographic character of a man wearing armor, serves as phonetic component to form characters. Continue reading “Component 介 a man wearing armor”