Component 走 a running man with feet underneath

走, a compound ideographic character of a running man with feet underneath, means: walk, run, leave. It serves as semantic component to form characters. Characters formed by the semantic component 走 express things related to walking, walking gestures, foot movements or actions, etc such as 赴, 起, 赶, 趁, 超, 越, 趋, 趃, 赳, 趔 and so on. 走 also acts as phonetic component to form characters. 

Characters formed by the phonetic component 走

陡 唗 dǒu dōu

Characters formed by the semantic component 走

There are 65 characters formed by the semantic component 走.

笔划 汉字 拼音 笔划 汉字 拼音
7 zǒu 9
9 jiū 9 zhào
9 10 gǎn
10 10 shàn
11 赿 chí 11
11 11 jué
11 yǐn 11 qǐn
11 qióng 11 xiǎn
12 chāo 12 chèn
12 jū,qie,qiè 12
12 yuè 12 chèn
12 12 dié
12 jué 12
12 zhān 13 liè
13 13
13 xuè 13 chú
13 duǒ 13 guā
13 13 tiào
14 suō 14 zhào
14 gǎn 14
14 14
15 cù,qù 15 tàng,tāng
15 chuō 15 cuǐ
15 dàng 15 què
15 jiàn 15
15 15 yǐn
16 qiū 16
16 17
18 chì 18 huáng
19 qiáo 19 jiào
19 qiāo 20 zào
21 21 er
23 zǎn 26 zǎn