Component corridor 良

Component corridor 良

良, corridor, porch, veranda, cognate of 廊, means: nice, good. 良 serves as phonetic component to form characters. Characters formed by the phonetic component corridor 良 share the consonant l and the compound vowel iang or ang.

Characters formed by the phonetic component corridor 良

粮/糧 踉 俍 俍 liáng
狼 阆/閬 锒/鋃 稂 蜋 硠 斏 桹 筤 艆 躴  láng
蒗 埌 崀 莨 浪 琅 莨 làng
烺 朖 lǎng
悢 哴 liàng
娘 酿 niáng niàng