Component 鬲 a three-legged cauldron

Component 鬲 a three-legged cauldron

鬲, originally a three-legged cauldron, mainly serves as a phonetic component to form characters. It also servers as well as a semantic component.

Characters formed by the phonetic component 鬲

隔 镉 膈 嗝 塥 滆 槅 鞷 gé
融 曧 瀜 螎 róng
鹝 虉 yì

Characters formed by the semantic component 鬲

笔划 汉字 拼音 笔划 汉字 拼音
10 gé,lì 16 yàn
17 18 guī
18 zèng 19 zōng
20 liù 21 guī
21 shāng 22