Collocations of 心 in Chinese

Collocations of 心 in Chinese

心, literally heart, is mostly used with the meaning of mind, feeling, mood, emotion etc. because the heart was seen as the thinking organ in the ancient time.

As for the position of 心 in the collocations, you can find it chiefly stays on the right.


1.attentive(ly) or diligent(ly) intention or motive; care pains

我们的服务生真的用心,不是吗?Wǒ men de fú wù shēng zhēn de hěn yòng xīn, bù shì ma? Our server is really attentive, isn’t he?

歌手用心喜欢Wǒ shì gēshǒu, wǒ yào yòng xīn dì chàng xǐ huān de gē! I am a singer, and I want to diligently sing the songs that I like!

妻子明白了曾子的用心,羞愧地说:“有道理。”qī zi míng bái le zēng zǐ de yòng xīn , xiū kuì de shuō : ” yǒu dào lǐ 。” “Zengzi understand the intentions of his wife, shame said: ” The truth.

More collocations of 心: 小心, 劳心, 狠心, 伤心, 醉心, 甜心, 痴心.