至, with original meaning: a flying object (bird/arrow) arrives. It serves as semantic or phonetic component to form characters. Character formed by the semantic component 至 express meanings related to arrive, reach, etc, Continue reading “Component flying object 至”
Category: Character Components
Component 弓 bow
弓, a pictographic character of a bow, serves as a semantic component to forms characters. The characters formed by the semantic component have to do with the bow. Continue reading “Component 弓 bow”
Component 刀 Knife
刀, a pictographic character of a knife, serves as a semantic component to form characters. Characters formed by the semantic component 刀 express meanings related to the knife, such as 刮, 剃, 删, 削, 剖, 利, 罚, 别, 辨, 割, etc. 刀 also serves as a phonetic component to form characters such as 叨.
Component snake 它
它 tā, originally a snake, is used as a pronoun “it” in modern Chinese. It can act as phonetic component to form characters. Many of the characters formed by the phonetic component snake 它 have the same pronunciation tuó. Continue reading “Component snake 它”
Characters with component 四 still pronounced the same as 四
They all have a component 四 and have the same pronunciation as that of 四 sì Continue reading “Characters with component 四 still pronounced the same as 四”