瓦, a pictographic character of earthenware, can serve as semantic component to form characters. Characters formed by the semantic component earthenware 瓦 expresses meanings related to earthenwares, pottery production workers, surname which is an extended meaning, etc. It also can act as phonetic component to form characters. Continue reading “Component earthenware 瓦”
Category: Character Components
Component 缶 an earthen pot with a lid
缶, a pictographic character of an earthen pot with a lid, serves as a semantic component to form characters. Continue reading “Component 缶 an earthen pot with a lid”
两 Two cooking utensils
两, originally resembled two cooking utensils, serves as a phonetic component to form characters. means: two, both, pair, couple, ounce. Continue reading “两 Two cooking utensils”
毕 a hand-net for hunting
毕, originally a hand-net for hunting, serves as a phonetic component to form characters. The characters formed by the semantic component have the same pronunciation. Continue reading “毕 a hand-net for hunting”
岂 a musical instrument
岂, originally a musical instrument, serves as a phonetic component to form characters. Continue reading “岂 a musical instrument”