壹, originally a kettle/pot, serves as a phonetic component to form characters. Continue reading “Component 壹 a kettle”
Category: Character Components
玨 two bunches of jade
玨, originally two bunches of jade, serves as a semantic component to form characters. Characters formed by the semantic component 玨 express things related to a musical instrument. Continue reading “玨 two bunches of jade”
Component 商 a jar for alcoholic drink above a base plate
商, a compound character of a jar for alcoholic drink above a base plate, serves as a phonetic component to form characters. Continue reading “Component 商 a jar for alcoholic drink above a base plate”
Component 盍 cover
盍, a compound character to express the meaning “cover”, serves as a phonetic component to form characters. Continue reading “Component 盍 cover”
冖 a cover
冖, derived from 幂, serves as a semantic component to form characters. The characters formed by the semantic component 冖 express things related to cover or cover-related extended meanings such as 穴, 幂, 冤, 冠, 罕, 冢, 冥, 军, etc. Continue reading “冖 a cover”