呂吕, originally backbone, serves as a phonetic component to form characters with other semantic components. Most of the characters formed by the phonetic component backbone 吕 have the same pronunciation lǚ. Continue reading “Component backbone 吕”
Category: Character Components
Component bone 骨
骨, originally bone, means: bone, skeleton, frame, framework. 骨 serves as semantic component to form characters. Characters formed by the semantic component bone 骨 express things related to bone or body. 骨also acts as phonetic component. Continue reading “Component bone 骨”
Component flesh 月
月, originally flesh, serves as semantic or phonetic component to form characters. Characters formed by the semantic component flesh 月 express things related to organs, limbs, veins, muscles, parts of the body, etc. Continue reading “Component flesh 月”
Component heart 心忄
心, originally heart, serves as semantic component to form characters. Characters formed by the semantic component heart 心 or 忄express things related to feelings, temperament, thought, expression, or things related to mental activity. It can also act as phonetic component. Continue reading “Component heart 心忄”
Component nose 自
自, originally a pictographic character of nose, mainly serves as semantic component to form characters. It can also serve as phonetic component. Continue reading “Component nose 自”