Chinese culture reflects the customs and traditions of the people in China. Traditional Chinese culture covers various aspects such as traditions, history, religion, climate, food, education, art, customs, ethnic groups, architecture, medicine, literature, music, etc. Here are the 100 items of traditional Chinese culture with both Chinese and English names. Continue reading “Do you know these 100 names of traditional Chinese culture?”
Category: Vocabulary
christmas traditional chinese culture meats internet tree eye Olympic Sports olympics football soccer zodiac signs human body family colors social networking lunar calendar beans fruit occupations work HSK date and time natural disaster international trade computer Festival house sea film subjects weather direction email internet solar system cooking five senses borrowed words Mid-Autumn Festival
Chinese meat vocabulary
Do you like meat? How many of the Chinese words about meat do you know? Check out the chinese meat vocabulary. Continue reading “Chinese meat vocabulary”
38 words for the internet in Chinese and English
Parts of a tree
树冠 shù guān, crown
树叶 shù yè, leaves
细枝 xì zhī, twig
树枝 shù zhī,branch
树干 shù gàn, trunk
树根 roots
树皮 shù gēn, bark
Parts of the eye
Do you want to learn the basic vocabulary for your beautiful eyes? Check out how to say the basic parts of the eye in Chinese. Continue reading “Parts of the eye”