几 and 多 can combine to form a special word 几多 that can be used as an interrogative pronoun or adverb. As a pronoun, its meaning is equivalent to “how many/much 多少”, but it’s far less often used than 多少. Continue reading “How to use 几多?”
Category: Usage
Many of the Chinese words are multi-meaning words, that is to say, many Chinese words have more than one meaning. Studying all the usages of these words is a prerequisite for the advanced learning of Chinese.
The use of 出轨
The basic and literal meaning of 出轨 chū guǐ is: be derailed; go off the rails; jump the rails. It has two figurative meanings: Continue reading “The use of 出轨”
All about the use of 总
总 is one of the Chinese words with multiple uses. It can act as a verb, adverb or adjective. 总 is a word used very frequently in Chinese and it’s all necessary to learn all its uses. Continue reading “All about the use of 总”
究竟怎么用“才”?How to use 才?
才 is an unignorable character in Chinese. It can be used both as a noun and an adverb. What’s difficult is when it is used as an adverb! Continue reading “究竟怎么用“才”?How to use 才?”
One of the Five-star Characters, 紧 II
紧:next; close; tight; closely;e.g.
The two shops are next to each other.
这抽屉太紧了, 我打不开。
The drawer is so tight that I can’t open it.
These shoes are too tight for me.
The whole nation is closely united.
The programme is packed.