Do you want to learn the basic vocabulary for your beautiful eyes? Check out how to say the basic parts of the eye in Chinese. Continue reading “Parts of the eye”
Category: Advanced Learning
Frequently used polite expressions in Chinese I
Chinese polite expressions
Chinese expressions in polite form
请坐 奉陪 再见
失陪 留步 平安
幸会 恭候 烦请
List of Summer Olympic Sports
Meanwhile you are watching the Rio 2016 Olympics, don’t forget to learn the vocabulary. Check now the the list of Summer Olympic Sports. Continue reading “List of Summer Olympic Sports”
Olympics related words
奥 运 会 会 歌 Olympic anthem
奥 运 会 会 徽 Olympic emblem
奥 运 会 主 题 歌 Olympic theme song
奥 林 匹 克 精 神 the Olympic spirit Continue reading “Olympics related words”
Metonymy in Chinese
Metonymy 借代 is a figure of speech in which a thing or concept is called not by its own name but rather by a metonym, the name of something associated in meaning with that thing or concept. Continue reading “Metonymy in Chinese”