得很 means nothings if it is used alone, but it likes to stick to many adjectives to strengthen the tone of the adjectives. One thing to remember: 得很 is only “addicted” to adjectives. So, you won’t hear such expressions as 我看得很; 他冻得很; 我朋友学习得很; 她妹妹开车得很; etc. Continue reading “Formula of “得很””
Category: Advanced Learning
The use of 出轨
The basic and literal meaning of 出轨 chū guǐ is: be derailed; go off the rails; jump the rails. It has two figurative meanings: Continue reading “The use of 出轨”
Most people do not have the patience to wait a few seconds for the elevator doors to shut, so they push the ‘close’ button to speed up the process. 大多数人没有等待电梯自动关闭的耐心(虽然这个过程只有几秒钟),所以他们按“关门”键来加快关门速度。 Continue reading “被骗好多年:电梯关门按键根本没用!”
Do you know these 100 names of traditional Chinese culture?
Chinese culture reflects the customs and traditions of the people in China. Traditional Chinese culture covers various aspects such as traditions, history, religion, climate, food, education, art, customs, ethnic groups, architecture, medicine, literature, music, etc. Here are the 100 items of traditional Chinese culture with both Chinese and English names. Continue reading “Do you know these 100 names of traditional Chinese culture?”
All about the use of 总
总 is one of the Chinese words with multiple uses. It can act as a verb, adverb or adjective. 总 is a word used very frequently in Chinese and it’s all necessary to learn all its uses. Continue reading “All about the use of 总”