老 an old person

Component 老 an old person

老, a pictographic character of an old person, serves as both a phonetic and a semantic component to form characters. All the characters formed by the phonetic component 老 are pronounced lǎo except 峔.

Characters formed by the phonetic component 老

姥、佬、荖、蛯、珯、粩、咾、铑、栳、恅、狫、鮱   with the same pronunciation lǎo

峔 mǔ

Characters formed by the semantic component 老

Interestingly, characters formed by the semantic component 老 are in the up-down structure.
老+句 → 耈 gǒu, old age;
老+日 → 耆 qí, aged/in one’s sixties;
老+毛 → 耄 mào, very old, senile;
老+至 → 耋 dié, aged/in one’s eighties
耄 and 耋 are usually used together as 耄耋 to mean “aged person above 70”